Summonable Cuthbert won't leave a pile of goo after his despawn anymore.
Summonable soil elementals now will be easier to summon in cramped locations.
Health/mana/stamina bars in the top left corner of the screen won't apear anymore for creatures summoned by NPCs.
Fixed an issue that caused Apparitions to bleed.
This fixes undead-specific stuff, such as silver weapons or the new "Detect Dead" spell, not working on them.
Several "ghostly" NPCs got properly flagged as undead.
Fixed Jespar, while idling in Ark, going to Riverville every night and then back to Ark in the morning.
Mythical spell books no longer get “used” when the player already knows the spell.
Also fixed that the spell now properly adds the percentage as bonus instead of the amount of the spell magnitude.
Fixed "Accelerate" Spell so that its effect doesn’t stack when cast multiple times.
The Enchantment of Family Hoofbeat’s Amulet grants the player now the proper smithing enchantment instead of the light magic enchantment when disenchanting the item.
Fixed an issue that caused the re-transform from a werewolf into a human to not work properly when being a Half Qyranian.
The spell book could be bought from many spell merchants or found in one location. It makes undead and corpses more visible.
It's now possible to quit smoking when using a controller.
Fixed Crash when entering the Tarpit in the Undercity.
Also fixed that the messenger might have spawned dead.
Fixed that the messenger might have not engaged in dialogue with the player.
Also, they won't gain the essential status back on leaving combat with the player.
All bounty targets will now lose their essential status on entering combat not only with the player, but also with a summon or ally of the player.
"Wanted in Riverville" / "Wanted in Ark" / "Wanted in Duneville".
Fixed an issue that the exit door of Adila’s Cave was blocked after the quest was finished.
Fixed Jespar reappearing in Ark between "Every Day Like the Last, Part I" and "Part of Something Momentous, Part III" if the player visits Riverville during that time.
Fixed an issue that the Ceremony scene did not play properly if the player was involved in certain other scenes from other quests.